Spring Landscape Cleanup with Gallivan Corporation  

landscaped back yard with brick pathway, surrounded by fresh mulch and maintained plants

As the seasons begin to change and the warmth of spring arrives to take away the cold winter chill, landscaping may not be the first thing that comes to mind. However, it is during this transitional time that it’s most important to take care of spring cleanup landscaping to ensure properties are ready for warmer weather.  

Managing your landscape from season to season, especially after a brutal winter, is not as easy as it sounds. There is no reason that property owners need to take all the burden of landscaping on themselves. The professionals at Gallivan Corporation can take on the arduous tasks of winter cleanup to make sure that your home or commercial property is prepared to look its best. 

Understanding the Impact of Winter on Your Landscape 

Every season impacts landscaping in different ways. In cold winter climates, ice and snow accumulate, and plants, grass, shrubbery, and hardscaping can be hidden under a layer of snow for months. Underneath that snow, ground damage, soil issues, and even pest infestations may be waiting to be addressed as soon as warmer weather arrives.  

Common Winter Damage to Look Out For 

Cold winter weather can have a significant impact on landscaping, which is why springtime is the perfect time to assess and repair any damage. Some of the most common landscaping issues that can occur during winter include:  

  • Plant damage 
  • Soil compaction from the weight of snow and ice  
  • Snow and ice damage 
  • Wind damage 
  • Pest problems as certain types of insects and rodents seek shelter in landscaping features during the winter months 
  • Winter desiccation, when the amount of moisture lost through foliage exceeds the amount absorbed through the roots, which is common in evergreen plants  

To mitigate these impacts, homeowners and landscapers can take preventative measures such as selecting cold-hardy plants, providing adequate mulching, minimizing salt usage, properly pruning trees and shrubs to reduce wind damage, installing wind protection, and ensuring proper drainage to prevent soil compaction and moisture issues. 

Essential Steps for Spring Landscape Revitalization 

After the last snow of the season, it’s time to start looking for potential winter landscape damage and to start to repair, replant, and revitalize a yard or commercial property.  

Thorough Assessment of Lawn and Plant Health 

The first step to ensuring a healthy yard in the spring is to assess the condition of the landscape. Identify any damage caused by winter weather, such as broken branches, frost damage, and soil erosion. Clean up debris such as fallen leaves, branches, and any other clutter that accumulated during the winter. Remove any dead or damaged plants to make way for new growth. 

Pruning and Trimming: Techniques and Timing 

Most trees and shrubs do not need to be pruned during the winter months, so spring is the perfect time to reinvigorate these plants. Prune trees and shrubs to remove dead or diseased branches and promote healthy growth. Trim back overgrown vegetation to maintain a neat and tidy appearance. Shape hedges and shrubs for aesthetic appeal and to promote dense growth. 

Lawn Aeration and Fertilization Strategies 

After a season of being buried under snow, lawn care should also be top of mind in an outdoor spring cleanup, including aeration. Perform necessary spring lawncare maintenance tasks such as dethatching, aerating, and overseeding to promote a lush, healthy lawn. It is also a good time to adjust lawn mowers to the appropriate height and mow regularly to maintain an even and attractive lawn. 

Integrating Spring Flowers for Enhanced Aesthetics 

Everyone wants a yard that blossoms with colors and texture during the springtime. Of course, the flowers that survive the winter are not always the same ones that look best in spring. Regular flower rotation, which involves planting new flowers for different seasons, is a great way to keep an outdoor space looking vibrant no matter the weather.  

Planting Tips for Seasonal Color and Growth 

When it comes to planting for seasonal color and growth, it’s essential to choose the right plants for the climate, soil conditions, and desired aesthetic. Follow these tips to achieve vibrant seasonal displays: 

  • Know the climate: Select plants that are well-suited to the climate, considering factors such as temperature extremes, rainfall patterns, and sunlight exposure. 
  • Plan for succession of bloom: Choose a mix of plants that bloom at different times throughout the growing season to ensure continuous color and visual appeal. Research the bloom times of various plants and create a planting plan that includes early spring, late spring, summer, and fall bloomers. 
  • Select colorful varieties: Incorporate a diverse selection of plants with vibrant flowers, foliage, and berries to add interest and visual appeal to the landscape. Complementary color schemes can create harmonious plant combinations, or you can experiment with contrasting colors for a bold and dramatic effect. 
  • Mix annuals and perennials: Combine annual and perennial plants to achieve both instant color and long-term growth and bloom cycles. Annuals provide quick bursts of color and are ideal for filling in gaps between perennials or adding seasonal accents to containers and borders. 
  • Provide adequate care and maintenance: Water newly planted flowers regularly to help them establish strong root systems. Adjust watering frequency based on rainfall and soil moisture levels. Apply mulch around plants to conserve moisture, suppress weeds, and maintain a consistent soil temperature. Fertilize plants as needed with a balanced fertilizer to encourage healthy growth and abundant flowering. 
  • Monitor for pests and diseases: Keep an eye out for signs of pest infestations or disease symptoms and take prompt action to control them using environmentally friendly methods whenever possible. 

By following these planting tips for seasonal color and growth, any homeowner or landscaper can create a dynamic and beautiful garden that delights the senses throughout the year. 

Schedule Your Spring Landscape Makeover with Gallivan 

The professionals at Gallivan have decades of experience helping homeowners and commercial property owners repair, revitalize, and refresh their landscaping for the spring season. From tree trimming to applying fresh mulch to planting new, vibrant spring flowers, Gallivan can help. Reach out today and request a quote for your outdoor spring cleanup this year.  

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