Winterize Your Landscape with Gallivan Corporation

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The winter months can be viewed as a time of rest for your plants, but, there is a bit of work that needs to happen prior to the first snow fall to ensure that they will be ready once the spring and summer months return. Without any preparation the winter winds and frigid temperatures can damage foliage, bark, and kill roots.

Tree and Shrub Protection: Shrubs and trees that lose their leaves, and that are native to our area, have adapted to the cold winter temperatures and go dormant during the winter months. However, trees and shrubs that have been recently planted, or if they are still young, they will need extra protection during these months. Roses, shrubs, and some perennials should be covered and given a good bed of mulch.

Aerate Your Lawn: Over time your lawn will become compacted due to use, especially during the spring and summer months. Aeration creates openings in the lawn for air, water, and nutrients to reach the grassroots. This process needs to be a regular part of your annual lawn care maintenance.

Water Your Plants: The high temperatures caused by the summer sun are long gone, but, that doesn’t mean your plants aren’t still thirsty. Watering your plants up until the ground freezes helps the roots to continue growing further into the ground.

Clean the Garden Beds: Leaving behind weeds, leaves or debris is often thought of as helping to protect your garden during the winter months. But, that actually causes more harm than good. Pests can turn weeds and debris into their home during the winter and feast on your plants. Removing debris and other matter also hinders the growth of fungi and plant viruses. Removing these particles will not allow pests and debris matter to ruin what you’ve worked so hard for.

If you’re unsure of where to start, contact the professionals of Gallivan Corporation today! We have the experience, knowledge and solutions to help protect your landscape during the winter months. Get started by contacting us today, and we’ll take it from there.

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